Monday, August 28, 2017

How to Eliminate Excuses

I think we live in a world of endless excuses. There are those out there that are into almost everything when in conversation with others and they sound like the perfect person. Everyone's an expert on eating right...everyone's an expert on fitness. But, sometimes when I look at their appearance...I have to shake my head at times. The way they described their regimen as the greatest thing since sliced bread. It all sounded so eloquent and precise that I thought they may have eaten soy burgers from birth!

Then, when I happen to follow up with others it is a complete 180 from what I previously heard. Some people are just prone to speak a good game. That's why there are very few that achieve goals that are brought about. Sure, there are setbacks some days. But, that's part of being human. It's all about defeating yourself day in and day out. Fight those urges that tell you to sleep a little longer; I just need a little more rest; I deserve a cheat meal, etc. Get it out of your head now! That's just laziness trying to creep back into your system. There's no room for it. You have no room for laziness. If it came down to it today, what would you have to say about your life? You woke up. Went to work. Then went to sleep. BORING! Don't be that person. It's lame and not an exciting obituary for your kids to read.

As I continued to listen there was one common theme. These great things they boasted about wasn't a priority. Whenever you don't workout, do that business venture, or whatever it is. It's just wasn't a priority. It reminds me of when I was younger and I had a bill to pay. So I would go out and get a job real fast to help offset the cost for my insane lifestyle I really couldn't afford.

I live by the Loose Screw Theory. There are some things that you just shouldn't care about. So what you didn't get enough sleep. Look at what you achieved being awake! Once I started pushing my limits I learned that I truly only need about 5 hours of sleep. Some days only 4! I have been getting so much done that I am on a lifetime high! There's no feeling like it. It will turn into an adrenaline rush that you would want to keep feeling over and over again. We Accurate Step would like for you to get that feeling too.

Monday, August 7, 2017

When it feels like everything is caving in...

I spoke with someone today who was on the edge. Not literally on the edge of anything. But, on the edge of life. He lost his son just a month ago; best friend within the week; and his mother was recently diagnosed with cancer. When it rains it pours and it felt like an avalanche to him. He doesn't want to do anything.

He was recently prescribed antidepressants to help himself sleep. But, it is not helping to no avail. The only thing he can do is go to work, go home, drink 2 beers, pop a pill, then go to sleep.

We all know that there is nothing good that can come out of this practice. Life is hard. I honestly don't think that it was projected to ever be easy. Some people don't believe in miracles. But, when I think about how fragile life is...whoever is moving around today is a walking miracle. There are over 6 million ways to die and there wasn't one that touched us as of yet.

Now just think about are a miracle. You are here to do something great. There is no one that has your fingerprint to put on this world. No one can talk like you, walk like you, or even eat like you. You were made different for a reason.

It just happened to be raining outside and it was pouring. So my word to him was that even though it was raining. It meant that something was going to grow. I have never seen anything produced so beautifully without some sort of struggle. I was studying the Bible and I found the Greek word gymnazdo. It's where we get the word gymnasium from. It literally means to be stripped naked. Think about it. The gym is designed for us to struggle. The gym is designed for us to work on our weak spots. No matter what we do, the gym doesn't lie. If you are in there long enough there will be some weak points exposed. You can't wear the same clothes to work that you workout in. You have to change to get the maximum flexibility. Some may try to wear big clothes to cover muffin tops, etc. But, eventually you will have to look at yourself in the mirror for real progress....or not. There is something that needs to be said about being stripped naked. The gym as it is in life is there for us to not only struggle, but to power through. Of course, it's not easy. But, you are the miracle that is supposed to make it look that way. Enjoy the process of being molded into something new. Life's challenges are here for you to constantly evolve into someone new. If you are willing to take the risk of being constantly uncomfortable. I believe that you will be more successful than you have ever believed. Now get to work...Keep pounding.

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

When you are sick of being tired

We hear so much from people that they are tired of being fat. They are tired of living paycheck to paycheck. They are tired of looking at debt in the face.

I get it. Been there. Done that. Multiple times. There is nothing more demoralizing than living in the same rut year in and year out. The thing about it is that it doesn't have to be that way. We live in a robotic world. But it doesn't have to remain your way of thinking. There is a reason most successful people are referred to as being counter cultural. Being counter cultural doesn't mean that you stop looking at fashion trends, stop eating pizza, or not do the movies every now and then. It's simply changing your mind. Once your mind is changed it's over. There is nothing in the world that will be able to stop you.

Some examples are:
1. Not drinking every single week
2. Stop thinking that someone owes you something. The world could care less about your wants.
3. Stop doing the same things over and over and expecting different results
4. Mix up your daily routine. Instead of waking at 6am try waking at 430. You'll have more time to work. Do something that matters to YOU, and not have to worry about other people chipping away at your time. There won't be anyone awake to throw email traffic at you. No social media distractions, and no one to call you in the middle of a workout.

I know what you are saying. "But, I have class. But I have to work all day. I have kids to take care of." All of those are valid EXCUSES not to do the extra. You have to keep in mind that Kobe was in the gym numerous times for 8 hours. 8 HOURS! ON NUMEROUS OCCASSIONS. I can't sleep 8 sometimes and he was working.

One thing my father taught me growing up was, "everyone appreciates hard work, no matter where you finish".

I was reading about this famous Special Forces giy who also was a UFC fighter. Before working a 12 hour day he would have already put in a 2 hour workout. His motto was that he wanted to be fit to fight. Any time. Anywhere. That 's the attitude we all need to have . Yes we are going through this thing called life. It calls for us to get tough with it. It may require working 2 jobs for a time period. It may require late nights, early mornings, no bar, no parties, and no television. But you have to ask yourself. "Did I make myself the priority today?" And if so, "How?" Keep pounding....Accurate Step!